Start: New Orleans, LA
Finish: New Orleans, LA
Miles Today: 0
Miles to Date: 8036
Trooper Mileage: 176957
After an hour or so of touring the houses of the dead, I ledt Lafayette Cemetery and spent about another hour touring the houses of the living. The cemetery is adjacent to what is know as the Garden District, which is about a 4 block by five block area of large, beautiful homes (there are many other areas in the city with houses just as beautiful).
One of the most famous houses in the area (pictured here on the left) is the resident of Ann Rice, author of Interview With The Vampire and numerous other novels, many of which use New Orleans as a principal venue. Notice the limo parked out front (she either just got there, or more likely was getting ready to go somewhere). Also notice the security camera at the base of the upper left column. I did not get close enough to check if there were bundles of garlic bulbs hanging in each window.
Many of the houses in the area have historical significance. Most are fasticiously maintained, and if not, in the midst of renovation. Below is just a gallery of houses, except for the last, which is a shot of Bourbon Street (actually, the area that interested me the least).